
TagPro Player Map

This is a proof-of-concept viewer for the TagPro Player Map.

Add a player via this JotForm® (linked to the Google Sheet)

Database in this Google® Sheet

Access the database content in JSON via this url (I had to enable “publish on web” in the Google Sheet for this to work)

The map viewer on this github is a basic proof-of-concept using the “OpenLayers” api as a map provider (maps from OpenStreetMaps). Feel free to make your own better viewer, possibly with built-in pin-adder or something.

Alternative way of adding pins: send a POST request to this url. Example data:

name: Ko
lat: 69.696969
long: 69.696969
info: "This is a test"

Request edit access to the form or database sheet on reddit: /u/Wilcooo